The Fort Valley State University National Alumni Association, Inc. (FVSU NAA) was organized to facilitate alumni support of Fort Valley State University. This includes (but is not limited to):
Soliciting gifts and donations for the support of Fort Valley State University
Promoting the interest of Fort Valley State University and the university family
Establishing mutually beneficial relations between the University and its stakeholders and supporters
Serving as a vigilant protector of the heritage of Fort Valley State University.
Fort Valley State University is one of Georgia’s three public Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and the state’s only 1890 land-grant institution. Founded in November 6, 1895, FVSU leverages a 130-year tradition of excellence and uniqueness in academic and co-curricular programming to educate students of all races, genders, & cultural background from all over the world, even as it builds on its expertise in transforming individuals perfected as an historically black university.
These scholarships results from an initiative provided by the supporters of the University’s 125th year celebration fundraising. We are pleased to recognize FVSU’s best and brightest in academia with a scholarship to their alma mater. Due to FVSU Alumni, Friends, and Family’s financial generosity, the FVSU NAA is pleased to offer scholarships supporting FVSU students’ collegiate goals.
Completing the application is the first step to applying for the scholarship award. Once submitted, a panel assesses all complete applications and a group of students is selected.
Note: Additionally, past winners may reapply if eligible, but are not given preference in selection.
Additional required documentation includes the following:
Copy of completed application (including application letter)
Essay (One page in length, 750-word minimum)
Proof of current enrollment status and official transcripts
Minimum of two letters of recommendation (i.e., Dept. Head, educator, community advocate)
The scholarship eligibility criteria for students are listed below:
Applicants must be a sophomore, junior, senior, or graduate student at FVSU
Current full-time student, in good standing with a minimum 3.0 Grade Point Average (GPA)
Demonstrate a commitment to Fort Valley State University now and beyond as an active alumnus
All student applications and supporting documents must be received by June 30. Please refer to the “How to Apply” section to ensure all pertinent documents are included in the application package. Recipients will be notified/announced on July 31.
Timely Submission (Late packages will not be considered)
Completed application (Incomplete packages will not considered)
Essay (One page in length, 750-word minimum, legible, and grammatically correct)
Current enrollment status and official transcripts
Minimum of two letters of recommendation (i.e., Dept. Head, educator, community advocate)
Please submit the complete application, essay, and required documentation electronically to: fvsunaascholarship@gmail.com with the Subject Line: FVSU NAA Scholarship.
Alumni and Alumni Organizations are the sustenance upon which our Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) feast. As you matriculate, you will be called upon to “set the table” for Fort Valley State University (FVSU).
According to your culinary abilities, what does that table look like, and what is on the menu for FVSU?